Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Most Important Thing

My little girl,
Your mommy is out for the evening, so you and I get one of our "Daddy-Daughter" nights. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how to do this. I have never spent much time around babies, but it seems that I can't get enough of you! This parenting thing is proving to be challenging. More than anything else, you're showing me how selfish of a person I can be. As most people know, I don't do well when my day isn't planned out by the minute. I do even worse when my plans are derailed by something unexpected. This has been completely turned upside down over the last 12 weeks. I am learning to be flexible which, as your Mommy knows, isn't a natural trait of mine. Take tonight for example. You are sitting right next to me refusing to sleep. I've tried everything that I've seen your Mommy do for you, but it just doesn't work. She is so much better at these things than I am. Still, I really am trying to get better. I was watching TV as I fed you. I looked down and saw that you were entranced by the TV as well. I thought to myself "Is this really how I want to spend time with my daughter?". So, we turned it off and went to your room to see if I could get you to go to sleep.

As I was sitting in your room holding you, I decided to read to you out of your Jesus Storybook Bible. We read about Moses and the Ten Commandments. We read about how the Israelites were unable to keep all of the rules all of the time. The story ended by reminding us of the most important thing:

"Only one Person could keep all the rules. And many years later God would send him - to stand in their place and be perfect for them. Because the rules couldn't save them. Only God could save them."

My eyes welled up with tears as I read this out loud to you. It's very tempting for me to get caught up with rules and regulations. It's easy for me to think God loves me more or less depending on the things I do that day, but that's not true. God loves me in spite of the things I do. He has already done everything that needs to be done. He gave His son to die in my place and in yours. This is the absolute most important thing I could ever teach you.

Micah 6:8 "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

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